Self-generation is the act of producing your own electricity. In order to reduce or even eliminate your electricity bill and become independent in terms of energy, it is essential to carry out this self-generation. If you are in an isolated location or on the move, you also need a basic energy source, you need lighting, you need to charge certain appliances, or you simply need to watch television. It is therefore useful for you to generate your own power yourself. So how do you generate your own electricity? There are a number of techniques for generating electricity from nature's own resources. To help you generate your own electricity, here is a list of power generators that you can use.

Solar panels and the solar roof

Solar panels are at the top of the list of self-production techniques. It is the most common method of producing one's own electricity. You produce your electricity within your household using solar energy. To supply electricity for a house of four people, you need 5 square metres of panels. These materials are installed on your roof and are the ideal solution if it benefits from maximum sun exposure. The use of solar panels as a power generator has several advantages. The material is discreet and therefore space-saving. It does not require a lot of space for its installation. It also requires minimal maintenance. The installation of solar panels is also a very profitable investment (see On average, you install 14 panels and you can produce up to 25 to 30 years of electricity. For better functionality, it is ideal to invest in a domestic battery. This will be used to store the electricity you have produced. If you have the possibility, in order to guarantee electricity production throughout the life of your house, it is best to install a solar roof. This is a tile capable of creating electricity. Your roof will look like a traditional tile, but will produce electricity.

The domestic wind turbine

A home wind turbine also allows you to produce your own electricity, if you live mainly in a windy area. Energy production depends greatly on the size of the blades and especially on the strength of the wind. This driving power of the air is transformed into electricity by this power generator. The minimum wind speed required is 10 to 15 km/h. Domestic wind turbines are best suited for urban areas because they require a minimum of space to be set up. This technique of self-production of electricity is not made to be installed on your roof, the ideal is to place it in your garden. However, you must obtain an urban planning permit, ask for the agreement of certain offices related to energy consumption, and inform your neighbour before installing it. It is also useful to plan ahead for a wind and incident study by an expert. If you have the necessary wind power, the domestic wind turbine is more profitable than the solar panel because the former can produce 4 times more electricity, and its performance does not deteriorate over time. On the other hand, if the wind power is not strong enough, but still reaches 6 km/h, you can opt for the wind tree to produce your own electricity. This is a kind of domestic wind turbine, but it requires less wind power. It is also more aesthetic, yet more expensive than a simple domestic wind turbine.


Micro-cogeneration is also a system for the self-generation of electric power. It produces both electricity and heat since it is in fact a micro-cogeneration boiler. o drive a piston engine, this boiler is fuelled by natural gas. The mechanical energy delivered by this action is then transformed into electricity thanks to an alternator. Micro-cogeneration can cover the electricity needs of a standard household. In terms of price, it is more affordable than the domestic wind turbine, but more expensive than the solar panel. It is perfect and more cost-effective in low-temperature areas, since the household needs to be heated all year round. It is also ideal during the winter season, especially in isolated areas. You'll have both the heat and light you need. As with all power generation techniques, micro-cogeneration is the most efficient way to generate electricity.

The hydro-turbine

The hydro-turbine is also an efficient option to produce your electricity directly in your home. It is a less common but very practical system. The hydro-turbine converts the force of the water current into energy. It is the motive power of the water that makes it possible to produce electricity. This type of power generator is less exploited than other self-generation techniques such as solar panels or domestic wind turbines because its installation requires a watercourse that passes directly over the property of the house concerned. And to turn the turbine, the water must have a sufficiently high flow rate. On top of that, it is very difficult to achieve and not very profitable for individuals because of its exorbitant price. However, it is ideal to take this option, if you have the water power needed in the industrial sector. It is a very profitable and efficient investment for production plants. However, you must have a back-up production system in case there is a decrease in water flow or a drought.

 Solar glass panes and bricks

Finally, the last method to produce your own electricity is solar glass panes and bricks. These are windows that can generate electricity. The system consists of placing flexible photovoltaic films on the glass panes. This option is ideal for buildings with glass bricks. The sun's rays are directed onto small photovoltaic cells by means of intelligent optical fibres on the glass bricks. They can be used in both the domestic and industrial sectors. This system is discreet and aesthetic as it can decorate your house and building. You will thus have an artistic facade that can convert solar energy into electricity. It is a better solution for city residences and places that do not have a garden or watercourse because it does not require any other space for its installation. However, the best way to produce your own electricity is through mixed production. This consists of using all electricity generation systems to have power permanently available regardless of weather situations.